I was reading MormonsAndScience.com, a blog that talks about...you guessed it, Mormons and Science. I'm sure this person it well meaning, but a recent post about evolution made me a bit steamed. I have a huge beef with a lot of the dialogue that goes on around the pursuit of science. The whole "science vs religion" rivalry that exists is so frustrating to me. During the first few years of my education as a student of the sciences, the cognitive dissonance drove me berserk. All of these things that professors were saying made so much sense, and yet it went against everything I was taught in seminary.
Then one day, I decided to Google what the Church's stand of evolution was. I think the FAIR Wiki has the best explanation of it (for those who don't know, FAIR is an organization of LDS apologists). So...the Church has never outright condemned the theory of evolution? The Church has never actually said that the Earth is only 6000 years old? Well I'll be...
So...I can believe that God created the Earth, AND that the current scientific theories? I've given myself the permission to do so, and I feel that my faith has become stronger because of it. It is the first time in my life that I have come face-to-face with a faith-challenging issue and resolved it. To help you, the reader, understand this topic a little bit more, I have broken down the Creation into 3 questions, each of which is really important in maintaining our faith in the face of apparently conflicting beliefs.